Storm & RedStorm

Distributed Realtime Computation in Ruby

Jason Morrison

December 11, 2012


Presenter Notes

Data processing systems

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  • design of data processing systems
  • interesting case: 1 processing machine is not sufficient
  • use cases like web/engagement analytics, app logging and performance analytics logging, financial/ecommerce information, physical sensor data
  • could be for many reasons: high ingest volume, expensive computation, or tight latency requirements
  • even if your processing system isn't large, storm does a very good job of documenting and exposing clean primitives and abstractions that are at play in these systems, and are valuable to understand

DFS + map-reduce

  • Queries are functions over all data
  • Queries typically executed in batch mode, offline
  • Results are high-latency

Presenter Notes

  • One popular approach for large-scale data processing systems is to dump the incoming data into a distributed filesystem like HDFS, run offline map-reduce queries over it, and place the results into a data store so your apps can read from it.

  • If you need to store all of your data and you need to execute queries which span large time-frames, or you don't know the queries up front, then batch mode is a great fit.

However, there are plenty of use cases where these parameters don't quite fit.

Design considerations

  • Value of low latency
  • Data retention needs
    • Adhoc vs known queries
    • Timeframe of queries

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Consider, when:

  • low latency is valuable
  • you know queries ahead of time
  • query domain covers small time windows

then a stream processing model can allow you to get at your answers in a much faster, and cheaper way.

  • Instead of storing data and then executing batch queries over it, what if we persist the query and run the data through it?

Queues & workers

workers and queues

Presenter Notes

  • First, I want to examine a typical approach to assembling a realtime system:

Hands up, ever written a system made of queues+workers to process incoming data?

  • architecture here is
    • an incoming stream of data, from a web frontend or work queue or subscription to streaming API
    • cluster of queues persisting that data as jobs
    • cluster of workers taking jobs off the queue, working them, maybe persisting out to some store, and then emitting their processing results forward into the next queue layer
    • then more workers, maybe more persistence

Then you'll know there are some challenges...

  • data processing guarantees & fault tolerance
  • queues impose latency between layers
    • when one worker sends to another, impose a 3rd party between worker layers, where message has to go to disk
  • without another layer of abstraction, coding is tedius - spending your time thinking about where to write message to, where do I read messages from, how do I serialize messages, etc.
  • this is the kind of system that was in place in the product (Backtype) that became Twitter analytics

Twitter analytics

twitter analytics

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storm on github

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  • released september 2011 at StrangeLoop
  • 4,000 stars, >500 forks. most starred Java project on github.

  • Used by: Groupon, The Weather Channel, Alibaba, Taobao (ebay-alike, Alexa #11)

Design goals. Storm should:

  • Guarantee data processing
  • Provide for horizontal scalability
  • Be fault tolerant
  • Be easy to use

Presenter Notes

  • Guaranteed data processing: Choose whether, in the face of failure, data can be lost, or must be processed at-least once, or exactly once
  • Horizontal scalability: Distribute your processing across a cluster, tweak parallelization of computations and the allocation of cluster resources to match your workload
  • Fault tolerance: If there are any errors or when nodes fail, system should handle this gracefully and keep running
  • Easy to use: As the application developer, focus on writing your computation, not infrastructure like message serialization, routing, and retrying.
  • So, how is it put together?

Storm primitives

  • Streams
  • Components
    • Spouts
    • Bolts
  • Topologies

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  • core abstraction of storm
  • unbounded sequences of tuples
  • tuples are named list of values
  • dynamically typed, use any type by providing serializer
  • streams are how that the parts of your computation talk to one another, they are the message passing



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  • sources of streams
  • typically:
    • read from a pubsub/kestrel/kafka queue
    • connect to a streaming API
  • emits any number of output streams



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  • process any # input streams
  • produce any # output streams
  • where computation happens
    • functions, filters, aggregations, streaming joins, talk to DBs...



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  • network of spouts and bolts, connected by streams
  • describe parallelism and field groupings

Parallelism: logical view


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  • nothing to do with hardware
  • 4 components, 1 spout, 3 bolts. #/tasks per.

Parallelism: physical view


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  • 3 worker nodes
  • multiple worker processes on each node (JVM process)
  • tasks are threads, many tasks per thread

Stream grouping


  • Shuffle grouping
  • Fields grouping
  • All grouping

Presenter Notes

  • since spouts and bolts are parallel, when a tuple is emitted on a stream, which tasks does that tuple go to?
  • decides how to partition the stream of messages

    • shuffle grouping: pick a random task, evenly distribute
    • all grouping: send to all tasks
    • global grouping: pick task with lowest id (all tuples go to same task)
    • fields grouping: for persistent/stateful algorithms, send similar data to the same worker process. mod hashing on a subset of tuple fields
  • let's take a look at some code...


RedStorm on github

Presenter Notes

  • Storm is written for the JVM in Java and Clojure
  • there are several ways to integrate across languages (namely: JVM-native, thrift for topos, "multilang components" json-over-stdio shelling for spouts/bolts)
  • RedStorm lets you write topologies and components in JRuby

Example time!

word count topology

Presenter Notes

  • RandomSentenceSpout
  • SplitSentenceBolt
  • WordCountBolt

Data processing guarantees

Tuple tree:

tuple tree

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  • now that we've seen...
  • tuple tree
    • rooted at the spout, with a single tuple
    • as bolts emit new tuples, they are anchored to the input tuple
  • ack
    • after a bolt finishes, it acks its input tuple
    • after a whole tree is acked, the root tuple is considered processed
  • this provides at-least-once semantics
  • you can build exactly-once processing semantics on top using transactions

Cluster deployment

storm cluster

Presenter Notes

  • local mode vs cluster mode
  • 3 sets of nodes
  • Nimbus node: master node, similar to hadoop jobtracker
    • upload computations here
    • launches and coordinates workers, &
    • moves them around when worker nodes fail
    • (not HA yet, but nimbus failure doesn't affect workers, so low-pri. HA is on roadmap.)
  • ZooKeeper nodes:
    • separate apache project
    • cluster coordination
      • store configuration, serve as distributed lock service for master election, etc.
  • Supervisor nodes:

    • talk to nimbus via ZK to decide what to run on the machine
    • start/stop worker processes as necessary, as dictated by nimbus
  • visibility: storm-ui

Storm UI

storm ui

Presenter Notes

  • what topologies are running on your cluster
  • error logs
  • details statistics about each topology

    • for every spout tuple, what's the avg latency until whole tuple tree is completed
    • for every bolt, avg processing latency
    • for every component, throughput
  • deployment: storm-deploy to automate deploment and provisioning on ec2


# /path/to/storm-deploy/conf/clusters.yaml

nimbus.image: "us-east-1/ami-08f40561"      # 64-bit ubuntu
nimbus.hardware: "m1.large"

supervisor.count: 2
supervisor.image: "us-east-1/ami-08f40561"  # 64-bit ubuntu
supervisor.hardware: "c1.xlarge" 1.60

zookeeper.count: 1
zookeeper.image: "us-east-1/ami-08f40561"   # 64-bit ubuntu
zookeeper.hardware: "m1.large"

Presenter Notes

  • 1-click deploy tool for deploying clusters on AWS
  • configure your cluster
  • provides nice things like
    • spot pricing
    • ganglia for resource usage monitoring
  • then configure your AWS settings


; ~/.pallet/config.clj

   :default {
       :blobstore-provider "aws-s3"
       :provider "aws-ec2"
       :environment {:user {:username "storm"
                            :private-key-path "~/.ec2/k.pem"
                            :public-key-path "~/.ec2/"}
                     :aws-user-id "1234-5678-9999"}
       :identity "AKIA1111111111111111"
       :credential "abCDEFghijklmnpOPQRSTuvWXyz1234567890123"
       :jclouds.regions "us-east-1"

Presenter Notes


# start cluster
$ lein run :deploy --start --name mycluster --release 0.8.1

# attach to the cluster
$ lein run :deploy --attach --name mycluster

# stop cluster
$ lein run :deploy --stop --name mycluster

Presenter Notes

Running in production

# deploy your topology
$ redstorm jar examples/simple
$ redstorm cluster --1.9 examples/simple/word_count_topology.rb

# monitor with storm-ui and ganglia
$ open http://{nimbus-ip}:8080
$ open http://{nimbus-ip}/ganglia

# kill topology
$ storm kill word_count

Presenter Notes

  • jar it up, then submit the jar to the topology
  • monitor with storm-ui and ganglia
  • Specifying other dependencies for deploy (ami, system packages, jars, gems)
    • jclouds/pallet, apache ivy, bundler

Bigger example: Tweitgeist


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Bigger example: Tweitgeist

tweitgeist topology

Presenter Notes

But wait, there's more...

  • Runtime rebalancing and swapping
  • DRPC: Ad-hoc computations
  • Trident: state, transactions, exactly-once semantics
  • Lambda architecture: blend streaming and batch modes

Presenter Notes

  • change parallelization and migrate topologies on the fly
  • drpc
    • abstraction built on top of storm primitives
    • design distributed computations as topologies
    • some function you want to execute on-the-fly, across a cluster
    • drpc server acts as a spout, emits function invocations
  • trident
    • also built atop storm primitives
    • exactly-once semantics with fault tolerance
    • stateful source/sink
  • lambda
    • not part of storm,
    • but an approach to combining both realtime and batch in your architecture
    • discussed in 2012 strange loop talk
    • and in book "big data"


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Resources: Getting started

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Resources: Documentation

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Resources: Talks

  • ETE 2012 Talk

    • "Storm: Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation" - April 2012
  • Runaway complexity in Big Data

    • "Common sources of complexity in data systems and a design for a fundamentally better data system" - October 2012

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Resources: Book

  • Big Data
    • Early access book by Nathan Marz
    • "Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems"

big data book

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Diagrams from Nathan Marz' "Storm: Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation" talk.

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